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How Homeownership Helps in Early Child Development

By Lodha

February 12, 2021

A child's environment plays a major role in their development because it includes the surroundings in which a child gains a sense of belonging and permanence. It also influences the physical development of the child according to the limits created by their surroundings. An enriching and stimulating home environment fosters healthy growth and brain development by providing a child with love, emotional support, and opportunities for learning and exploration.

Research from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows that a growing number of families start searching for a home when they expect a new member. This makes sense. Upsizing your residence and your family can be an exciting time, one that's filled with decisions about this next chapter of your life, from the type of childhood you envision for your kids, or the size of your home. Maybe you imagine them playing in a big park, or, living in a society where the children walk to school. This article looks at how homeownership can impact a child's crucial years and be an enabler for parents to progressively nurture their child's mind, body, and soul.

A sense of belonging
A home is often looked upon as an asset that inflates in value over time. While this may be true, when looking at it as a sanctuary, a home's true value may seem priceless. For children, having their own home would equate to a sense of assurance and belonging. This feeling of belonging can manifest in a number of ways in a child's life. Stronger leadership instincts, greater independence, self-confidence to try new and difficult challenges are some of the outcomes of a strong feeling of belonging.

Nurturing development
Every child's development path is unique in its own way. The progression towards well-adjusted adults for some children may have striking similarities and contrasting differences. This divergence in development among children calls for individual nurturing techniques for every child at the pace that fits them perfectly. Homeowners can focus on their child's specific needs without being rushed or overwhelmed into taking decisions that may be detrimental to their growth. In addition, homeownership calls for a greater sense of community where individuals within the community play a crucial role in the development of a child shaping their personalities for life.

Fostering overall health
Research indicates that there is a direct impact of homeownership on a child's physical health. While some parts of the study do show exceptions to this theory, a major portion does point to the direct correlation between a child's overall health and homeownership. This is based on the premise that in general homeowners have a greater incentive to maintain their homes and their surroundings at a higher level when compared to renters.

The study showed that societies with more renters than house owners tended to have worse housing conditions, which resulted in lower levels of health awareness and conformity to hygiene standards. These health outcomes were conditions that were directly linked to allergens like dust mites; toxic substances from garbage non-disposal; and other housing- related illnesses caused by seepage and dampness. Especially when considering the present healthcare climate, ensuring optimal physical health has become a top priority for individuals who look to safeguard their most precious assets.

Green, open paces to ensure wellbeing
Apart from psychological development, children need to be given the space and resources to develop physically. Homeownership can provide a number of key advantages that sustain the overall development of a child. Whether it is open green spaces where children can run about freely or sports facilities like football, cricket, and even a swimming pool. The possibilities for children to pursue their interests and grow within that community are aplenty. A study conducted in Belgium found a correlation between growing in green areas and higher IQ. It suggests that children who grow with access to green areas have better cognitive skills, including memory and attention capability.

The choice of homeownership can have a positive impact on a child's future. It therefore becomes vital for parents to understand how it can positively impact their future and plan their lives accordingly.

References children/#:~:text=Developing%20a%20sense%20of%20belonging,strong%20leaders%20in%20the%20future.,education%20for%20the%20community%20school.

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