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Green Mobility with EV


November 24, 2021

It is true that the advancement in transportation has had a pivotal role in the growth of human civilization, but at the same time it is also true that the sheer magnitude of prevalent transport of persons and goods causes one fourth of the global CO2 emissions. 3/4ths of all transportation emissions come from road transportation. Greening of this is critical to save the earth from irreversible climate change, and time is running out. There is consensus through the Paris agreement and its followup summits that halving Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050 is critical.

Electric Vehicles are known to have significantly lower lifetime emissions when compared to the traditional ICE Vehicles (Internal Combustion Engines Vehicles) and offer the best chance to cut emissions from the transportation sector. EVs also have no tailpipe emissions, which reduces pollution and keeps the air clean. Rapid adoption of EVs when coupled with transitioning of Electricity generation from fossil fuels to renewable energy is the single highest impact that can be made on global emissions.

While governments are promoting EVs through subsidies, gradual mandating of EV charging in residential societies and by encouraging service providers to install charging infrastructure, it may take time for the EVs to capture critical market share.

EVs require charging and there can be no better promotion of EVs than by creating a charging infrastructure around them. It is seen that range anxiety is one of the most important reasons for people to opt out of an EV purchase. The need of the hour is to start with the existing developments, and this initiative is led by responsible real estate developers by entering into tie ups with leading EV charging providers to instill confidence in the residents to make a switch.

Apart from greening transportation, it is also essential to achieve elimination of unnecessary travel, by creating walkable cities and having a well-connected shared, public transport. The best shot a city has is to have:

1. Collocated workspaces, schools, retails and amenities

2. Proximity to clean green public transport nodes

3. EVs for essential personal travel

With lead being taken by the responsible governments, the transportation industry, power industry and the largest real estate developers we feel that a template can be outlaid for reaching net zero global emissions much earlier than originally targeted by 2050.

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